Girl-led Tent Camping

Join other older girls and adults for a Girl-led Tent Camping Weekend, at county and public campgrounds.  Watch one-minute video, or click on QR code.

Weekends will be held on September 13-15 at Laguna Campground and on October 4-6 at Dos Picos CG near Ramona.  Registration at, $20 nonrefundable deposit. There's also a no-fee “we’re interested” option.  Girls can attend without adults from their troop, and  adults can attend w/out girls.  Several older girl troops in SUs can sign up together for a weekend. "Let's Tent” trained adults can gain more tent camping experience. 

[As Outdoor Skills Weekend (OSW) was cancelled this year, some attendees may still want an "adult camping weekend." Three tent sites and a cabin have been reserved at Dos Picos CG for the October 4-6 weekend, with registration at the same Eventbrite site. Meals, activities would be organized by those who sign up, separate from the girl-led camping that weekend, at the youth site.]

Site limit of 24 includes both girls and adults, with sufficient but minimum number of  trained adults --it's meant to be a girl-led weekend!  Interested? 

The activities, equipment, meals, and transportation are planned by the girls in two virtual/zoom meetings.  The meetings will cover site, safety, requirements, meals, equipment, girl-led activities, and transportation. 

Girl-led tent camping weekends were held at Dos Picos County Park on May 5-7,  at Laguna Campground on September 8-19, 2023, and again at Dos Picos on April 19-21, 2024.  Costs were $30 (May) and $35 (Sept. and April) for campground fee, groceries, chuck boxes and campfire wood.   One-minute video.   Two-page summary.

Questions? Contact Anne Fege, or 858-472-1293 or Diana Osburn, 

Activities during tent camping weekends

Other outdoor activities are organized by the Backpackers and the new High Adventure and Service Troop (interest troop)